Viktor Mastoridis - The Sunny Island

Greek Bouzouki Instrumental music; brilliantly simple, yet evocative tunes to cheer you up, brighten your day, lighten your eves and surely make you feel better than before listening - or your money back. GOOD MUSIC IS THE ELIXIR OF LIFE
Track Listing
- Lets Move [1:28]
- The Rush [1:55]
- Thalasa [1:09]
- Nisiotiko [1:30]
- Misunderstanding [1:57]
- All In 5 [1:29]
- Tsifteteli [2:37]
- Vari Rebetiko [1:31]
- Hasaposerviko D [3:44]
- Elliniko Dzaz [3:49]
- Melancholia [3:01]
Viktor Mastoridis
Musical journey started with Blues and Rock; influenced by Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Allman Brothers etc; moved into Rap/Hip-hop/Rock fusion (band named Super Nova in the 80's Yugoslavia); after moving to the Netherlands started to be influenced by Balkan music (Greek, Macedonian, Serbian, Bosnian; uneven rhythms; fantastic scales).
First instrument: acoustic guitar but soon moved to electric; 'discovered' and connected with the Greek bouzouki and its sound while on holiday in Greece in 1981; bought the first Macedonian tamboura in 1987; received a baglamas as a gift in 2006 and since then these instruments represent the core of Viktor's expression.
In UK wrote music for various publishers and TV and radio programs, including EMI Publishing (Olympics 2004),…
Read More about Viktor Mastoridis
London - United Kingdom
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UPC: 634479246708