T'rese - A World Of My Own
T'rese music is Soulful, Uplifting and Entertaining. Her smooth, silky voice and authentic melody blends perfectly in this beautifully crafted debut album. A splendid piece of work by whitelight production.
Track Listing
- Our Love Is a Flame [4:11]
- You Are My Lover [3:58]
- Crime Song [4:04]
- What Goes Up (Must Come Down) [3:59]
- Reach Out [4:16]
- That [4:21]
- You [4:16]
- A World of My Own [4:31]
- I Believe [4:42]
- One Step Forward [3:46]
- Do You Remember [3:37]
- That [4:27]
- Soft [3:41]

T'rese's music unveils a wealth of talent... the labour of a genuinely multi-talented Singer/Songwriter. She's a lady who knows precisely what she desires. And when necessary, she resorts to her overwhelmingly mesmerising charm to dictate the sort of response she expects. In view of her positive outlook on life and the way she so apply utilizes her tremendous gratifying propensities, she's ever so willing to make the sacrifices to attain her ultimate goal.
Gentile and soft spoken, T'RESE is someone who, with an ever cheerful disposition, skilfully tackles every objective carefully…and…
Harrow, Middlesex - England.
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