Kirlian Aura - Kirlian Aura
Kirlian Aura THERE IS NO COMPARISON Original progressive-rock instrumental compositions unsurpassed in terms of quality, execution, and content. It should be quantified primarily as an outlet to top-tier original music; material that constitutes a radical departure from the “music for the masses” ideology perpetuated via current songwriting, recording, and production trends and techniques. “Kirlian Aura” stands in stark contrast to the overwhelming majority of music-based content currently available via the internet, airwaves, and
Track Listing
- I. ON EAGLES WINGS - Lords Of The Air [8:24]
- Often Imitated, Never Equalled [2:10]
- The Shaman [1:15]
- Metamorphosis [1:35]
- Riding the Thermal [2:50]
- II. IN THE COMPANY OF STARS - High Above the Blue World Called Earth [6:14]
- Tales of the Night Sky [2:15]
- Pushing the Envelope [1:40]
- Point of No Return [3:15]
- III. STREETS OF RAIN - Onward Wayward Traveler [3:10]
- A Bolt from the Blue [6:40]
- Lights are Burning Bright [3:05]
- Nobody [2:15]
- Nocturnal Pursuit [3:14]
- Consciousness Betrayed? [1:05]
- All Too Real [1:15]
- Clearing Skies [2:05]
- IV. SPECTRE OF THE SARGASSO - Christopher Columbus Was Here [7:35]
- The Ship [1:54]
- Calm Before the Storm [2:20]
- Something off the Starboard Bow [2:10]
- In Keeping with Tradition [0:50]
- Dead Reckoning/The Way Home [2:46]
Kirlian Aura

Keith Petty embarked on a musical journey starting in 1988, a pivotal year for cerebral rock and roll. The release of two landmark progressive-rock albums, “Rush's” Hold your Fire and “Blue Oyster Cult's” Imaginos ensured a continuing fascination with all things musical, with special emphasis on songwriting and compositional components taking center stage. Thus it is here where his interest in the creative/recording arts began to truly take form starting with a series of lessons performed on a number of first generation all analog synthesizers. Considered obsolete instruments by the technological standards of the day, as compositional tools they offered unprecedented advantages above and beyond the defacto standard of keyboard instruments, the…
Augusta, GA - USA.
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Rush, Dream Theater, Kansas.
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UPC: 614346030425