Gary Eshelby - Sound Explosion
This CD contains songs with strong tunes that just stay in your mind, it is a mixture of many influences from the sixties to present it also combines a strong operatic female backing vocal in a a few of the songs which gives the songs a classical rock feel.
Track Listing
- Invisible Person [5:04]
- Tomorrow [4:27]
- Get Down [4:19]
- Wind In Your Face [4:06]
- O My Love [5:03]
- Sing Me A Song [4:32]
- The Way I Am [2:24]
- Picture Of Light [4:52]
Gary Eshelby

When I was younger I would write music for the bands I used to play in, when that all finished I had a number of years settling down doing the usual stuff. Music as always been a driving force in my life and it as given me great pleasure to now get back to writing good quality music.
Sheffield - United Kingdom.
Similar Artists
Ultravox, Heaven17, Beatles, Keane.