Dave Byron - Legend
This CD features Dave Byron's shred "instru-metal" guitar music.
Track Listing
- Enter The Dragon [4:14]
- Ouija [4:29]
- The Sword & Dagger [3:31]
- Running Into Battle [6:51]
- Resurrection [4:06]
- Ghost Ship [9:45]
- Sea Of Sorrow [6:37]
- Legend [3:52]
- Destination Determination [7:53]
- Triumph Over Evil [7:17]
Dave Byron

Within the first year of playing guitar, the school had Dave performing at assembly halls that held 300 -500 people. Dave then started experiencing on his own advanced chord progressions which took his grade school teacher by surprise. What contributed to Dave’s advanced ability to learn chord progressions came from his dad, who would play classical music at home.
At the age of twelve, Dave’s dad bought him his first electric guitar. One year…
Aurora, IL. - USA.
Similar Artists
Yngwie Malmsteen, Al DiMeola, Richie Blackmore.
Music Label
TransAcoustic Productions, Inc.
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UPC: 634479408434