Sweet Black Angels CDs
Sweet Black Angels

Sweet Black Angels: Born out of frustration at the so called "English music scene" and the music industry in general, geared more towards manufactured boy/girl groups with low overheads and fast cash returns. With less chance of recognitions for true musicians and songwriters, the band felt compelled to try and re-establish what this country used to be famed for.
We are five friends who came together to make music that we believe in, that we could share with others and maybe open their eyes to a different way of living or question the things we are led to believe. We sing about social issues such as jealousy, judgement, boredom and how in the big scheme of things, money, work and materialistic things just aren't that important.
Without sacrificing good melody for coolness, we want to reach as many people as possible and help them realise that you don't have to get caught up in the system and that you can achieve what you believe in.
We want to bring it to the attention of the world that nothing is written in stone, that no-one should govern the path you follow, that life should be full of venture and looked back upon with fulfilment and not regret...
Exeter, Devon - England.
Similar Artists
Rolling Stones, Levellers, Stone Roses, Pink Floyd.